🌸 Spring Break Schedule Update! 🌸

All MAG locations will remain OPEN for regularly scheduled classes during Spring Break (March 24 - March 30).
We look forward to seeing our gymnasts in the gym! 💪✨


Closing Dates

The following is a list of major holidays that Michigan Academy of Gymnastics is closed. Please check our website, mobile app, and email communication for exact dates.


In the event of inclement weather, we will notify parents via email, mobile app, Facebook, and Instagram.  We have families that are part of our gymnastics family from many different school districts, therefore, we do not follow any school district closings.

We do not refund or credit days missed due to natural disasters (inclement weather, power outages, government mandates)

Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 20
Memorial Day – Saturday, May 24-Monday, May 26
Independence Day Holiday Break – Monday, June 30 – Friday, July 4
Labor Day – Saturday, August 30 – Monday, September 1
Halloween – Friday, October 31 – ONLY AM Classes will be held (No PM Classes)
Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 27
Holiday Break (KINDER/REC) – Monday, December 22 – Sunday, January 4 (No tuition charged for this break)

Scheduled and Unscheduled Absences

We do not prorate for scheduled or unscheduled closures. If a class is missed, a makeup will be added to your Parent Portal for you to reschedule at your convenience before the session ends. Please note that makeup spots fill quickly, so don’t wait until the last minute!

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